Thrown off by Summer

The one thing I looked forward to the most for summer was having more time. During the school year, I felt so overwhelmed and so overbooked. I felt all I had time for was for what could fit in my planner. Now that I’ve been on summer vacation for about a month now, having much more time feels uncomfortable. After my last final assignment, I promised myself to make sure I felt less stressed and overwhelmed. But the lack of planning, assignments, and structure lately has been causing me to feel uncomfortable and some anxiety. For some, this situation may seem impossible or weird but for those who may be experiencing the same feeling here are some things I plan to do to ease the unpleasantness. 

  1. Going back to the basics: Beginning next week I am going to start using a planner again. I have not been using my planner, whiteboard calendars, or alarms. I thought that letting myself take things day by day and not excessively planning would make me feel free, but it’s led to too much freedom. Before I used to use color-coding excessively, in an attempt to still feel some ease, I am going to hold off on this technique. 
  2. Routines and structure: I like structure. I thought that routines and structure kept me from feeling relaxed and having fun but the lack of is causing me to feel anxiety. I have decided I am going to adjust my work schedule to be the same every week. I have had open availability which has left me to my job’s disposal of their needs when my needs are the priority. 
  3. Allowing some freedom: To allow me to still feel some freedom I’ve decided when adjusting my work availability will include taking one more day off a week. Two days off a week doesn’t allow me enough time to feel well-rested and have the social life I feel I deserve. 
Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

For my fellow Type A personalities going through this similar feeling please comment and share your experience and thoughts!

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