Wall of Encouragement


The spine-chilling, blood-curdling, nerve-racking thought of final exams constantly lingers in the minds of USG students as final exam week approaches. During this time of stress, we tend to fixate on past failures and regrets of missed opportunities as opposed to being optimistic about the future and seeing value in our hard work. In order to create a more positive outlook, all of us could use a little encouragement to help us get through the toughest part of the semester.

In order to ensure that students persevere through these last two weeks, USG students, created a “Wall of Encouragement” with their own galvanizing phrases.

“Just keep swimming!”

“Don’t give up. The storm won’t last forever.”

“All of us have a superhero power.”

These are just some of the many motivating words that USG students had for each other. This is another way that USG creates an atmosphere where students from the 80+ programs across 9 different universities have the opportunity to feel a deeper connection with one another.

With my first semester at USG coming to a closing, and this being my last post of the year, I hope to end this post on a positive note. Just remember, despite having to get through finals, the sense of community we have built here at USG will always be here for support in order for all of us to achieve anything we set our mind to.

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