Reflections and Encouragement from a Graduating Senior:)

Happy Friday, everyone! As we navigate through finals week and the home stretch of the semester, I wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts and reflections as I close this chapter of my undergraduate journey and step into a new phase.

I’m Karina Lopez, a senior majoring in Public Health Science at UMD’s Universities of Shady Grove. My path in public health is deeply influenced by personal experiences, including challenges faced as a woman of color in America. From discrimination to inequities, these experiences have fueled my determination to contribute positively to community health.

As the oldest sibling, I’ve had firsthand experience navigating the healthcare system, especially due to caring for a prematurely born sibling. These experiences have shaped my passion for addressing systemic issues in health and well-being, focusing on areas such as systemic racism, maternal reproductive health, and the intersectionality of factors influencing health outcomes.

A pivotal moment in my academic journey was discovering Public Health Science during the pandemic. This revelation not only sparked my interest in the global impact of public health but also prompted me to pursue a career in the field. It’s been a journey of growth and discovery, leading me to actively seek opportunities to expand my experience in public health. Graduating with an MPH in Epidemiology in 2025 is a significant milestone towards achieving my goals.

While school wasn’t initially part of my post-high school plans, I’m grateful for the opportunities it has provided. My support system—friends, mentors, professors, and even myself—has been instrumental in navigating challenges and staying motivated. I owe much of my growth and achievements to those who believed in me when I doubted myself.

Reflecting on the past four years, I’ve learned that everything happens for a reason, and with determination, things will fall into place. The journey through higher education can be challenging yet rewarding. Remember to be your own cheerleader, stay disciplined, manage your time effectively, and maintain optimism.

Whether you’re just starting your college journey or nearing its end, know that there’s a community cheering you on. You have the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacles. Keep pushing forward, because you’ve got this!

Image Retrieved from Google Images

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