Embrace a Chill and Productive Weekend:)

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Happy Monday everyone!

During the final weeks of the semester, things can pile up or disappear in the blink of an eye. However, I’ve found some strategies that keep me productive over the weekend, whether I have work or not. It’s like applying the Pomodoro method to longer timeframes.

I always aim for an early start to my day, committing to morning tasks like assignments, studying, errands, events, or even just making breakfast. This sets a productive tone for the day ahead. After a focused session, I take a break to do something enjoyable like watching a show, taking a nap, or walking my dog. This break helps me reset before diving into the next task, be it making lunch or getting back to work. By spacing out my tasks, I ensure I’m refreshed and focused throughout the day. Completing tasks early leaves me with free time to relax, make plans with friends or family, or simply indulge in personal interests.

That’s how my last Saturday unfolded. While I didn’t have major assignments due, I didn’t want to waste the day either. I started with a workout, attended my sister’s lacrosse game to celebrate her win, treated my siblings to a meal where we indulged and completely filled ourselves up for the rest of the day. We explored the local area, went thrift shopping for summer clothes, and wrapped up the day with some house cleaning and a movie. It felt incredibly productive yet enjoyable.

Even my Sunday was filled with activities. I went to teach at Sunday school with my best friends, then came home to make lunch with my family. I caught up with schoolwork and ended the day by sorting my closet, which was very therapeutic.

Remember, everyone’s version of productivity varies. Whether it’s catching up on schoolwork, personal projects, or professional tasks, utilize the weekend to tackle what couldn’t be done during the week. I hope these tips inspire you to plan your upcoming weekends efficiently!

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