Monthly Mindset: Setting Goals & Affirmations

Have you ever experienced a sense of overwhelm and disconnection from your goals because life seems to be happening at a breakneck pace? In the fast-paced world of today, it’s a typical occurrence. But what if I told you that you can restore focus and control with the help of a small yet effective tool? Write affirmations and diary prompts here. These resources serve as your compass points, keeping you rooted in the here and now while offering a path toward individual development. Setting goals at the beginning of the month is a proactive way to develop motivation and self-awareness.


What are my three main objectives for the month?”
Establishing goals is an effective strategy for advancement and success. This exercise asks you to list your monthly priorities, whether they have to do with your well-being, career advancement, or personal development. Your chances of success increase when you give yourself direction and motivation through well-defined goals.


What did I conquer this month that strengthened me?
Celebrate all of your accomplishments, no matter how tiny. Think back on the difficulties you encountered and the barriers you overcame. Perhaps you overcame adversity, moved outside of your comfort zone, or handled a challenging circumstance with poise and resiliency. Recognize the fortitude and resiliency you have shown, understanding that every obstacle you get past builds your strength and ability.


I would like you to incorporate these affirmations and writing prompts into your monthly regimen. To strengthen our sense of support and community, please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below. One month at a time, let’s set out on a journey of self-discovery and progress together.


About Karen C

Hello everyone! I’m Karen Chij. I am a junior at the University of Maryland Baltimore, County (UMBC) at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG). I was born in Guatemala, and I moved to the U.S. a couple of years ago. I recently graduated from Montgomery College where I got my Associate of General Studies SSAH-core. I started my first semester as a junior in Social Work with a minor in Psychology. I want to pursue my desire to become a social worker so that I can advocate and work with people to help them successfully find well-being, self-esteem, and practice self-care, etc. In addition to being a student blogger. I keep a few other extracurricular activities in check. I am currently the treasurer Psychology Student Association (PSA). Also, I am also in the USGLeads Emerging Leadership program at USG and also actively seeking internship opportunities. I enjoy hiking with friends and spending time with my family. I’ve started this year with my journeying and have a list of topics I intend to write about including self-care, hobbies, adventures, struggles as a first-generation student, manifesting, burning out, and other things that are on my mind!
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