Love Beyond Valentine’s

Greetings, friends!

This is Gogo I’m back for another round of blogging this semester!

First things first – to all you lovebirds out there, happy Valentine’s Day! It’s the perfect time to cozy up with those who mean your world, and show them a little extra love and attention. 

But hey, here’s a pro tip: don’t limit that love to just today. Surprise them with your affection when they least expect it – that’s when it really hits home.

Lovebird (genus agapornis)

Now, if the whole Valentine’s hoopla isn’t your thing, don’t worry; I got you covered. And no, I won’t bore you with a history lesson on Lupercalia and the ancient sacrificial Roman rituals. 

Let’s talk about the most important relationship in your life: the one you have with yourself. 

This is about you, right here, right now.

Self-love – it’s not selfish. It’s essential.

Think about it: you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you wanna be there for others, you gotta start by being there for yourself. 

Take care of your emotional well-being, treat yourself, heck, even spoil yourself once in a while. You deserve it!

And hey, if you need a little extra motivation, think about all those hardworking cells inside you. Sounds trivial? How about trillions of tiny heroes busting their butts day in and day out just so you can keep on living your best life. Show them some love, too!

So whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day with your sweetheart or simply indulging in some well-deserved self-care, remember this: love isn’t just about grand gestures and fancy chocolates. 

It’s about the little things, the everyday moments, the quiet acts of kindness that make life worth living.

Until next time! Stay awesome and watch your sugar levels, sweet tooths!

~ Gogo

About georgitsvetanskigogo

Greetings! I'm Georgi Tsvetanski. I come from Sofia, Bulgaria, and currently I am a junior communication student at the University of Maryland College Park, at the Universities at Shady Grove. My academic journey began in high school with aspirations of becoming a marine biologist as I love science and the wildlife. Later, I earned an Associate Degree in Digital Animation, laying a strong foundation in digital media. If you encounter me, let's discuss my blogs or any topic you're passionate about – chances are, I'll share your interest! Meanwhile, I'm a freelance game developer. I started as a kid creating my own cardboard games with pen and paper, and then as I grew older my fascination with the gaming industry deepened. In 2019, I immersed myself in game development, embarking on a knowledge-seeking journey fuelled by a passion for gaming. And I have worn many hats in this field. I've transitioned from a gamer and indie developer to a community manager, always eager to expand my expertise. As a communication major, I explore ways to enhance interactions and resolve conflicts through invitational rhetoric while maintaining respect. My goal is to create a fun yet professional atmosphere, reflecting the environment I want to contribute to at USG and at my internship at the Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering program. Soon as a blogger, I plan to delve into topics like science and mental health (how diet affects mood), apply my game development expertise to real-life scenarios (e.g., Game Theory), and share insights as an international student at USG. Beyond academics, I enjoy martial arts, 3D modelling, and practicing traditional and digital art. I like to try new things, explore, and find new outlook on all kinds of matters as being exposed to new perspectives can be both enlightening and intriguing. My journey from Bulgaria to the United States has ignited my sense of adventure and a desire to learn and grow. Thank you for getting to know me. I hope my blogs have something for everyone!
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