How to Feel Better…

Embracing comfort in November darkness!
Welcome to the cozy corner of our blog where we explore simple and comforting ways to uplift our spirits as the days grow shorter and colder. November can be a challenging month with early darkness and the anticipation of the Thanksgiving break. In this guide, we’ll explore practical and friendly tips to help you feel better in various situations.

resource: Google
  • Tired? Take a Nap!
    The early dark evenings can leave us feeling fatigued. Instead of reaching for that extra cup of coffee, consider the rejuvenating power of a short nap. Find a quiet, comfortable spot, set an alarm, and indulge in a brief escape to recharge your energy.
  • Feeling Sad? Exercise Your Way to Happiness
    November blues hitting hard? Lace-up your sneakers and get moving. Exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a jog, or even a dance session in your room, physical activity can be a powerful antidote to sadness.
  • Anxious? Meditate Your Worried Away
    As the days get colder, anxiety can creep in. Take a moment to pause and mediate. Find a quiet space, focus on your breath, and let go of the worries that weigh you down. A few minutes of mindfulness can work wonders in calming a restless mind.

  • Angry? Let the Music Soothe Your Soul
    Feeling the heat of anger? Hit play on our favorite tunes. Music has a remarkable ability to influence our emotions. Create a playlist of songs that resonate with you and let melodies guide you toward a calmer state of mind.
  • Overwhelmed with Thoughts? Write It Out
    The swirl of thoughts can be overwhelming. Grab a pen and paper or open a digital note app. Jot down your thoughts, fears, and inspirations. Writing can provide clarity, helping you process your feelings and gain perspective on the things that occupy your mind.  
  • Feeling Saturated? Dive into a Good Book
    When the world feels like too much, escape into the pages of a good book. Whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, reading offers a delightful refuge. Find a cozy blanket, make yourself a warm drink, and immerse yourself in a world of words to find solace.
  • Stressed? Take a Stroll
    Stress is a common companion in our busy lives. Step outside for a calming walk. The brisk air and change of scenery can do wonders for your mood. Use this time to unplug, breathe deeply, and appreciate the simple joys around you.

As we navigate the November darkness, let’s embrace these friendly and emphatic strategies to feel better. Remember, self-care is a journey, not a destination. So, take a moment for yourself, find comfort in these activities, and let the coziness of the reason envelop you. Wishing you warmth and well-being as we move through this November together.

About Karen C

Hello everyone! I’m Karen Chij. I am a junior at the University of Maryland Baltimore, County (UMBC) at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG). I was born in Guatemala, and I moved to the U.S. a couple of years ago. I recently graduated from Montgomery College where I got my Associate of General Studies SSAH-core. I started my first semester as a junior in Social Work with a minor in Psychology. I want to pursue my desire to become a social worker so that I can advocate and work with people to help them successfully find well-being, self-esteem, and practice self-care, etc. In addition to being a student blogger. I keep a few other extracurricular activities in check. I am currently the treasurer Psychology Student Association (PSA). Also, I am also in the USGLeads Emerging Leadership program at USG and also actively seeking internship opportunities. I enjoy hiking with friends and spending time with my family. I’ve started this year with my journeying and have a list of topics I intend to write about including self-care, hobbies, adventures, struggles as a first-generation student, manifesting, burning out, and other things that are on my mind!
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