How I Want To Spend My Thanksgiving Break

Like most people reading this post, I’m counting down the days until Thanksgiving Break. This semester has been pretty challenging, to say the least. I’ve been super occupied with preparing for my life after graduation and finishing my semester strong. Since this is my last semester of school, this is also my last Thanksgiving Break. Thanksgiving is just a nice time in general; I love this time of the year so I’m really looking forward to it. Even though the break isn’t too long, I plan on …

catching up on my homework. Unfortunately, Senioritis is still very real. I’ve been doing pretty well so far with classwork so I’d like to continue the streak. It’s been a hectic semester and although it is almost over, I still have a lot of work to do. Some of the work includes a group presentation and paper, reading textbook chapters/taking notes, and writing an essay. As I mentioned earlier, the break isn’t too long so I’m definitely going to attempt to get some of it done before and after the break. 

Source: 21st Century Cyber Charter School

doing some Black Friday shopping. I love shopping, so of course, I would also love to do lots of shopping on Black Friday. I would love to get some new clothes, shoes, anything, really. It’d also be a good chance to get an early start on my Christmas gifts, although I tend to get gifts way later than I should. Either way, I can’t wait!!!

Source: TVLine

rewatching the current season of Survivor. I love watching competitive reality TV, and binging TV in general. I’ve been keeping up with Survivor 45 but I’m planning on rewatching the season with my sisters who haven’t been watching. This season has been more entertaining than I’d ever thought it be. Honestly, I can’t think of a better way to spend this holiday than to spend it watching starving strangers backstab each other for a million dollars. 

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