Life after Midterms Season

Midterms season left me completely drained, and to say it took a toll on me would be an understatement. As a senior, you’d think I’d have it all figured out by now, but this semester brought unexpected challenges. Balancing a load of undergraduate midterms and an additional set of graduate midterms, all while staying committed to my extracurricular activities and obligations, turned out to be far more challenging than I had anticipated. For five grueling weeks, I barely had any free time to call my own. However, the good news is that it’s finally over! I conquered my last midterm this past Monday, and now I’m eager to focus on some much-needed self-care.

First and foremost, I’m looking forward to recharging by spending quality time with the people I care about. I plan to make the most of those little breaks between classes, and grab lunch or dinner with friends. Additionally, I’m making a conscious effort to allocate more time for my family, as my usual routine has kept me isolated in my room doing homework or attending virtual meetings.

Reconnecting with my love for reading is high on my post-midterms agenda. Reading has always been one of my favorite ways to practice self-care, and there’s something particularly soothing about delving into a good book during the chilly fall season. The cozy atmosphere and the rustling leaves outside make it the perfect time for this pastime.

Lastly, I’m eager to start journaling more frequently. Writing out my thoughts and feelings will not only serve as a means of reflection but also a way to keep track of my emotions during different moments. By doing so, I can better understand how I was feeling at various points and use that insight to hold myself accountable and extend more grace to myself moving forward.

As we wrap up this journey through life after midterms, it’s clear that this period of recuperation and rekindling our passions is essential for our overall well-being. Midterms may have taken their toll, but they’ve also reminded us of our strength and resilience.

Remember, life is about balance. It’s about conquering challenges, celebrating successes, and nurturing our mental and emotional health. As you embark on this post-midterms chapter, prioritize self-care, reflection, and reconnecting with your passions. It’s not just about surviving but thriving in your academic journey.

So go ahead, seize the opportunity to recharge with friends, family, and a good book. Journal your thoughts, set new goals, and continue to be the amazing student you are. Embrace the beauty of life after midterms, and remember, you’ve got this! Here’s to a successful, balanced, and fulfilling rest of the semester.

About melanyclaros

Hi everyone! My name is Melany Claros and I am currently a senior at the University of Maryland, College Park at the Universities at Shady Grove. I was born and raised in Maryland. I major in Marketing in the Robert H. Smith School of Business. I also have a minor in Technology Entrepreneurship & Corporate Innovation. I hope to expand my knowledge in marketing analytics and I strive to obtain an internship where I can gain experience in the fruition that resonates with Marketing. Some topics I plan to write about include struggles that first-generation college students face (especially in the perspective of Latino households), imposter syndrome, and fun hobbies like new books I suggest people should read, new music discoveries, and much more. During my free time I enjoy reading, listening to music, discovering new coffee shops, and spending time with my friends and family.
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